Specialist Services


From pre-feasibility to detailed management plans, Minesoils provides a variety of services, with a focus on quality, consistency and results.


Pre feasibility and Site Verification Certificates

    • Desktop assessments and summaries for land and soil resources, based on existing mapping and soil landscape data
    • BSAL site verification assessments and applications
    • Agricultural impact assessments for the gateway process
    • Early input into rehabilitation concepts based on known soil and landform data 

Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

    • Soil survey and land resource baseline and impact assessments
    • Agricultural impact assessments 
    • Rehabilitation strategies including BSAL Reinstatement Plans
    • Technical input into ‘Response to Submissions (RTS)’, government liaison, Independent Planning Commissions (IPC) and public hearings.

Detailed Management Plans

  • Land and Soil Management Plans
  • Detailed Rehabilitation Management Plans
  • Mine closure strategies and liability assessments

On-Site Management

  • Practical advice and supervision of soil handling and management on site, as well as the implementation of the rehabilitation strategy
  • Personnel training programs and delivery
  • Design and implementation of rehabilitation monitoring programs
  • Site rehabilitation inspections, audits, monitoring and maintenance


Every land use industry.

Here at Minesoils, we don’t restrict ourselves to the mining industry. Essentially, we operate where ever there is potential conflict over land use activities, and detailed scientific baseline information is required on soils and agriculture, to understand the potential impacts on these resources.

We operate where land use activities aim to minimise impacts on the environment and existing industries, and therefore require well planned practical rehabilitation strategies.


Every land use industry.

Here at Minesoils, we don’t restrict ourselves to the mining industry. Essentially, we operate where ever there is potential conflict over land use activities, and detailed scientific baseline information is required on soils and agriculture, to understand the potential impacts on these resources.

We operate where land use activities aim to minimise impacts on the environment and existing industries, and therefore require well planned practical rehabilitation strategies.