Practical solutions for the assessment & management of Soils, Agriculture and Rehabilitation for your mining, infrastructure or power related projects.

Don’t Settle For Less
Our Consulting Services
MINESOILS is a specialist environmental consulting firm providing technical expertise and practical advice to the mining, infrastructure and power related industries in the following three key disciplines
Planning, Implementation, Project Management, and Auditing.
Soil Survey & Land Resource Assessments and Management Plans
Strategic Agricultural Land Impact Assessments and Management
Our experience in the natural resources sector since 1998 has led us to a firm belief in focussing on doing what we are passionate about.
We offer our Clients a specialised technical service in Soils, Agriculture and Rehabilitation, but we also have a firm grounding and experience in general environmental issues facing sensitive mining projects.
We believe strongly in positive working relationships with other specialists and lead consultants who are doing what they are passionate about.
This practical approach ultimately provides the best service and outcomes for our Clients.

Consult the professionals
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